Title: Phase Shift (Chaos Station #5)
Author: Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen
Publisher/GR Link: Carina Press
Genre: MM Science Fiction
Vice: Spaceships, PTSD, Injury
Rating: 5 Stars- 5+ for this series
Length: Novel
Satisfaction: HEA+
Cover Impressions: I love it. I love the look
of the whole series.
Best Line: “I’m more than okay.”
Synopsis: Zander and Felix’s
relationship has always pushed boundaries—personal and professional alike—but
their love and commitment is stronger than ever. So strong that Zander’s ready
to ask commitment-shy Felix the question of a lifetime when he’s interrupted.
The Chaos
is being hacked, and crucial, top secret information about the project that
created Zander—and his fellow super soldiers—has been leaked.
Neither man could have
expected the enormity of what’s discovered at the end of the data trail: an
entire colony of super soldiers run by the very doctor who changed Zander’s
life forever. And now she needs them both—Zander to train her new crop of
soldiers, and Felix’s new crystalline arm to stabilize their body chemistry.
With help from the
unlikeliest of allies, Zander, Felix and the Chaos crew must destroy the project and all its ill-gotten
information. But when the team is split up and Felix is MIA after a dangerous
run, galactic disaster is a very real possibility…and Zander may have missed
his chance to ask for forever.
Impressions: I have not been shy about my
unwavering love for this series. This
book is a perfect culmination to an amazing series. This is definitely one of my favorite science
fiction series of all time, and one of my favorite series in general. I have never read a book where the world
building is so thorough and complete that I immediately feel like I am along
for every part of the wild ride.
In this
book, sadly the last in the series, Zed and Flick face horrible challenges, and
yet their love and connection remains unwavering, and in fact it is essential
to their survival and fight.
I was
pulled right into the action in the story, and I loved seeing Zed and Flick be
able to depend on each other and their connection. I love the cast of amazing secondary
characters, and it was good to revisit them again too.
I am so
sad to see this series end, but I know that I will be revisiting it again in
the future. If you haven’t read book 1
yet, grab it now and set aside a few days to power read the whole series. You won’t want to stop!
Highly recommended!