Title: Chaos Station #2: Lonely Shore
Author: Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen
Publisher/GR Link: Carina, GR
Genre: MM Science Fiction
Vice: Science Fiction, Spaceships, Aliens and very hot guys
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Length: Novel
Satisfaction: HEA/HFN
Cover Impressions: Love it. Looks great next to book 1.
Best Line: "There was no better feeling in the world."
Synopsis: All they can do is live day to day...
Felix Ingesson has returned to his duties as the Chaos's engineer with Zander Anatolius, his ex-boyfriend-turned-broken-super-soldier, at his side. Hope means something again. But there's nothing Felix can do to battle the alien poison flowing through Zander's veins, or his imminent mental decline. With each passing day, the side effects of Zander’s experimental training are becoming more difficult to ignore.
When the ruthless Agrius Cartel seeks their revenge—including an ambush and an attempt to kidnap the Chaos’s crew—Zander is pushed over the edge. He can no longer hide his symptoms, nor does he want to. But hurting Felix when he’s not in control of himself is Zander’s worst nightmare—when it nearly happens, he agrees to seek help. Even if that means trusting the unknown.
As Zander places his life in alien hands, Felix appoints himself his lover’s keeper. And though he tries to be strong, he can’t ignore the fact that he might lose Zander…forever this time.
Impressions: I've made no secret of my unabashed love for Book #1, Chaos Station. I have been eagerly awaiting this book, and I know I'll be marking my calendar for the next in the series. I am usually super OCD about series, and I have to wait until the upcoming releases are closer or I'll go crazy. But, every now and then, a series comes along and I have to stop the world and devour the newest release, and Chaos Station is DEFINITELY in that category.
Book 2 picks up just where #1 left off. The world building is just as amazing, and I loved learning more about my new favorite alien race. The adventure is high, the action is fast, and the romance is so moving.
Zed and Felix are two strong, alpha men, and I love that they both stand up to and for each other. Watching Zed deal with the aftermath of his government work broke my heart, and seeing Felix struggle through his pain to be strong kept me glued to my kindle.
I love these guys, this world, and their cast of friends and crew. If you haven't read Chaos Station, stop what you are doing and grab these both right now. Then start counting down until each new release with me!